You can access your organization’s RetailNext cloud interface sign-in page at https://<subscription>

The name of your subscription is usually the same as your company domain; for example, if your company domain is, then it’s likely that your RetailNext cloud address will be, unless your administrator specified otherwise.

On the sign-in page, you can choose your preferred language using the lower-left dropdown menu, or click on the lower-right link to view our privacy policy.

To avoid disclosing our customers' names, any URL ending in will show a sign-in page. However, you’ll only be signed in if you use the correct subscription URL combined with valid credentials.

Local Users

When an administrator creates your local user account, you will receive an emailed invitation to join your organization’s subscription. Click Accept Invitation in the invitation email to be redirected to your organization’s web-based cloud interface to set up a password for your account and sign in.

For future sign-ins, you do so with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the Forgot your password? link near the bottom of the sign-in page.

Changing Your Password

Once you’ve signed in with your local user account, you can optionally change your password by clicking on your username in the top right and then clicking on Profile. Here, you can click on the Change Password button to start specifying a new password for your RetailNext account.

Single Sign-On Users

If your organization has set up Single Sign-On (SSO) with RetailNext, you will instead see one button on the sign-in page without any email address or password fields. This means that your account is centrally controlled by your organization, and you can sign into RetailNext by simply clicking on the button to sign in using your organization’s credentials.

If you have a local user account and would prefer to sign in that way instead, click on Sign in with password to toggle the page to the local user sign-in interface. You can then click Change sign-in method to toggle back to the SSO sign-in page.

If you encounter any difficulties with SSO, please contact your organization’s RetailNext administrator for assistance.

Signing Out

To sign out of your RetailNext subscription, simply click on your username in the top right and then click on Sign Out.

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