

RetailNext has an extensive API for users to access and modify data in the RetailNext cloud service and integrate them with other existing systems.

The API calls are REST compliant and make use of the most common HTTP methods such as GET and POST, with the data sent and received in JSON format. All requests require HTTPS connections and authentication with API keys.

This page details the most recent API methods available, while old methods are listed at Deprecated APIs.

For help with using this page, more examples, and frequently asked questions; visit Getting Started with the API.

Please review our API Implementation Considerations before building or integrating applications with the RetailNext API.


All API endpoints are authenticated using your API token over HTTP basic auth. API tokens have a unique Access Key and Secret Key that are used during API authentication.

Subscription Admins can issue and manage API tokens for their subscription from the RetailNext cloud interface in Admin Settings > System Access Tokens. Visit System Access Tokens to learn more.

Authentication Header

--basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey>


Some API methods have paginated responses, with a default and maximum page length limit of 100 entries. These are marked in this documentation with . Queries with more items than the page length limit will have responses split across multiple pages.

206 in the response header indicates that there are additional pages for the query, while 200 means that the response is complete.




default: 100

If included, the response page length will match the specified value.

The maximum page length is 100.



If included, the response will start at the specified value.

This is typically used to retrieve subsequent pages for queries that exceed the page length limit.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "X-Page-Length: 20" \ "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/<method>"

Example Response

HTTP/2 206 content-type: application/json ... x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN x-page-next: 20 ...

Note that some API methods may respond with the UUID of the following page instead of an integer.

HTTP/2 206 content-type: application/json ... x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN x-page-next: 2278d300-7777-11ec-87cc-4000727ce915 ...

Example Request: Subsequent Pages

The HTTP response code indicates whether a response contains all possible entries, or if you need to fetch more pages; whereby:

  • 200: OK (no additional pages)

  • 206: Partial Content

Fetch the next page by adding X-Page-Start to your original request header with a value that matches X-Page-Next from the previous response.

... -H "X-Page-Length: 20" -H "X-Page-Start: 20" \ ... "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/<method>"


Request Limits

Concurrent location requests are limited to 2 per customer subscription.

Query Locations

Returns locations and related fields.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location

v2/location has a limit of 10,000 location nodes per response, and does not support pagination.

If your query is for more than 10,000 nodes, the response header will contain the code 400 with the body {"error":"bad_request","error_detail":"too many result nodes (XXXXX), please refine your query"}.

If you expect a large response that may get trimmed by this limit, be more specific in your query (e.g. use additional filters) or consider using v1/location which supports pagination.

Example Request

This example filters for only store type locations and includes extra fields for store_id and occupancy_limit

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "extra_fields": [ "store.store_id", "store.occupancy_limit" ], "where": { "and": [ { "location_types": [ "store" ] } ] } }

Example Response

{ "nodes": [ [ { "store_id": "50", "occupancy_limit": 50, "location_type": "store", "area": null, "uuid": "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9", "parent_uuid": "22940210-f49b-11e6-944b-c0001cd87189", "name": "Caspar City Plaza", "type": "location", "archive_date": null }, { "store_id": "101", "occupancy_limit": 15, "location_type": "store", "area": null, "uuid": "86b03ba2-a117-11ea-802c-c00010892d7a", "parent_uuid": "01b1ed64-f49b-11e6-9ef8-400075388ff3", "name": "Willow Glen", "type": "location", "archive_date": null }, ... }

Extra Fields and Filtering

As in the example above, you can specify extra fields in your query to include additional location fields that are normally not returned in responses. The supported options are as follows:

  • store.time_zone

  • store.store_id

  • store.pos_id

  • store.pos_division_id

  • store.staff_hour_id

  • store.occupancy_limit

  • store.validated_address

Specify where clause to filter the results. This is particularly useful when normal responses exceed the API pagination limit. The available options in where clause and their filters are:

  • location_types

    • display

    • entrance

    • fitting_room

    • other

    • store

    • region

  • node_types

    • location

    • video

    • traffic

    • pos

Besides where clause, root_uuids is also available to get the list of all sub-locations/nodes under a certain location. E.g.:

{ "root_uuids": ["05e54488-02f5-11eb-88c2-000025b8381c"], "where": { "and": [ { "location_types": [ "store" ] } ] } }

Create Locations

Creates sublocations and regions.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location/create




The name of the location



The UUID of the parent store or region



Supported sublocation types: entrance, fitting_room, display, other

Supported region type: region (parent UUID must be another region)



The area in square feet (only applicable to sublocations)



default: true when "entrance", false otherwise

true, false (only applicable to sublocations)



default: true when "entrance", false otherwise

true, false (only applicable to sublocations when floor level conversion is enabled)

* required parameter

  • Creating store locations is not supported through the API

  • To create a region under the top-level parent, or the "Organization" level, you must set the parent_uuid value to that of the subscription UUID. Contact RetailNext support if you need help obtaining this value.

  • After creating a location, the API response includes the UUID of the newly created location to use in further API operations

Example Request

This example creates a new Display sublocation type within a store.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location/create"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "name": "Front Table", "parent_uuid": "2512a786-a117-11ea-874c-8000df845ed7", "location_type": "display", "area": 53.1, "aggregate_to_parent": true, "aggregate_to_store": false }

Example Response

{ "location_type": "display", "aggregate_to_parent": true, "aggregate_to_store": false, "area": 53.1, "uuid": "fb2d8bf5-c19e-11e8-b05c-40008b55ebf7", "parent_uuid": "2512a786-a117-11ea-874c-8000df845ed7", "name": "Front Table", "type": "location", "archive_date": null }

Update Locations

Update location fields.

PUT https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location/<location_uuid>




Name of location



Moves the location beneath the specified parent location



Supported sublocation types: entrance, fitting_room, display, other



Area in square feet (only applicable to stores and sublocations)



Occupancy limit (only applicable to stores)



Custom outbound bandwidth limit of a store (only applicable when global bandwidth limits are enabled)

Sending a value of 0 clears any existing custom store limit and reverts its value to the global limit.



true, false (only applicable to sublocations)



true, false (only applicable to sublocations when floor level conversion is enabled)

  • Changing the location_type to or from “store” or “region” is not supported (in other words, you can only change the location_type of sublocations).

Example Request

This example updates a store by changing its name, area and occupancy limit; as well as moving it to a new parent region.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -XPUT "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location/<location_uuid>"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "name": "Willow Glen Updated", "parent_uuid": "286b1000-f8b1-11e7-9337-c0009584d333", "area": 270.8, "occupancy_limit": 20 }

Example Response

{ "occupancy_limit": 20, "location_type": "store", "area": 270.8, "uuid": "<location_uuid>", "parent_uuid": "286b1000-f8b1-11e7-9337-c0009584d333", "name": "Willow Glen Updated", "type": "location", "archive_date": null }

Updating Locations in Bulk

You can update a bulk selection of locations to a specified parameter value in certain situations.

This example updates the respective occupancy limit parameter of multiple store locations.

while IFS=, read -r site_uuid occupancy;do curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecreteKey> \ -XPUT "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/location/$site_uuid" \ -d "{\"occupancy_limit\": $occupancy}";done < ./occupancy_limit.csv

Where the occupancy_limit.csv file contains:

site_uuid, occupancy_limit 18ef3a2e-cc3f-11e6-8d5c-0000124e6871,40 ff94800e-7c5f-11e6-8056-c000704d0145,35

Point of Sale

Integrate point of sale data via API.

Request Limits

Concurrent POS upload requests are limited to 10 per customer subscription. There is also a limit of 1,200,000 transaction uploads per day per subscription. Moreover, one API request can contain up to 20 transactions, as the API is not intended to be used for bulk uploads. Refer to the Point of Sale Upload for CSV options.

Upload Transactions

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction


See Point of Sale Upload for the full list of parameters. The parameters provided via the API should correspond with those configured on the Admin Settings > File Upload Configuration > POS page.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "transactions": [ { "store_id": "505", "receipt_number": "12737", "workstation_id": "4", "division_id": "AA01", "receipt_date_time": "2022-06-14 15:14:44", "line_items_total": 100, "transaction_total": 110, "operator_ids": [ "0000099" ], "transaction_type": "Sale", "transaction_status": "Finished", "payments": [ "cash", "discover", "gift card" ], "tax_amount": 10, "sales_associate_ids": [ "0000099" ], "currency_code": "USD", "line_items": [ { "price": 100.0, "quantity": 2, "sku": "SKU001", "description": "Item1", "discount_percentage": 20 "discount_amount": 20 } ] } ] }

Example Response

{ "transactions": [ "d507e3e0-09e3-11ed-9157-400026b643f7" ], "received_timestamp": "2022-07-22T17:29:25Z" }

Query Single Transaction Status

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status/<transaction-uuid>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status/4d7aa93f-023c-11ed-98f4-0000589072c4"

Example Response

{ "uuid": "4d7aa93f-023c-11ed-98f4-0000589072c4", "upload_time": "2022-07-12T23:42:33Z", "status": "processed", "receipt_number": "12737", "store_id": "505", "division_id": "AA01", "workstation_id": "4", "receipt_date_time": "2022-06-14 15:14:44" }

Query Multiple Transactions Status

Query the status of all transactions uploaded in the last 24 hours.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status/

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status"

Example Response

[ { "uuid": "9261b588-091e-11ed-9cad-c000ed0ebacf", "upload_time": "2022-07-21T17:57:22Z", "status": "processed", "receipt_number": "99803", "store_id": "T179", "division_id": "TH001", "workstation_id": "4", "receipt_date_time": "2022-07-19 10:23:16" }, { "uuid": "2dd0b361-092e-11ed-8be3-c00087b07a3e", "upload_time": "2022-07-21T19:49:06Z", "status": "processed", "receipt_number": "99803", "store_id": "T003", "division_id": "TH001", "workstation_id": "4", "receipt_date_time": "2022-07-19 10:23:16" }, { "uuid": "44e74195-092e-11ed-8ff8-40005dced8eb", "upload_time": "2022-07-21T19:49:44Z", "status": "processed", "receipt_number": "99001", "store_id": "T003", "division_id": "TH001", "workstation_id": "4", "receipt_date_time": "2022-07-19 10:23:16" } ]

Status API allows filtering by status and duration:

  • Append ?status=rejected or ?status=processed to get the list of all transactions by status in the past 24 hours: https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status?status=rejected

  • Query all transactions status in a specific duration using start_time and end_time https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status?start_time=2022-07-11T10:00:00-01:00&end_time=2022-07-11T21:59:59-01:00

  • Status and Duration filters can also be specific together in a single request: https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/pos/transaction/status?start_time=2022-07-11T10:00:00-01:00&end_time=2022-07-11T21:59:59-01:00&status=rejected

Store Hours

Query Store Hours

Returns store hours within specified parameters.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/storehours




UUID of store location


ISO 8601

Start date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)


ISO 8601

End date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)

* required parameter

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/storehours"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "stores" : [ "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9", "aec5c886-9e2c-11e5-9bb7-0e5ba9bee1b9" ], "start_date" : "2021-01-15T00:00:00Z" , "end_date" : "2021-01-22T00:00:00Z" }

Example Response

{ "result": { "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9": { "2021-01-15T00:00:00Z": { "store_uuid": "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9", "effective_day": "2021-01-15T00:00:00Z", "open": "2021-01-15T10:00:00Z", "close": "2021-01-15T21:00:00Z" }, ... }, "2021-01-22T00:00:00Z": { "store_uuid": "aec5c886-9e2c-11e5-9bb7-0e5ba9bee1b9", "effective_day": "2021-01-22T00:00:00Z", "open": "2021-01-22T09:00:00Z", "close": "2021-01-22T21:00:00Z" } } } }
  • The open and close timestamps in store hours query responses are always presented in the store’s local timezone, as configured in Admin Settings > Locations for a particular store. Ignore the Z i.e. UTC timezone indicator in the response for this API method.


Query Metrics

Returns metrics within specified parameters.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine




UUID of location



See Metrics Glossary for API identifiers



from and to in conjunction with additional objects.

See More Details on Date Ranges below



from and until in hh:mm, or,

type: store_hours



time, date, location and day_of_week

See More Details on Group Bys below

* required parameter

  • Datamine API responses typically include the following indicators:

    • Ok: When querying any metric, each response entry includes an ok field. A value of true means that there was no error in serving the data, while false indicates there was an error with a further description. Errors in serving data generally relate to inadequate API token permissions or bad requests, e.g. if you’re querying metrics for a store that is not included in the Location Profile assigned to your API token.

    • Validity: When querying traffic metrics, each data point additionally includes a validity field. The possible values are: complete, incomplete and imputed, where an incomplete or imputed response means that there was a problem collecting traffic data during the queried range, e.g. power not supplied to the sensor. Learn more about traffic validation and imputing at Imputing Missing Traffic Data.

  • Response timestamps are prefixed with - or + when the store hours of a store on a given day are configured to overlap with the previous day or the following day, respectively. See Managing Store Hours for more information.

  • Responses will only include completed time intervals. For example, if a store’s local time is 09:53 at the time when a query is made for the interval 09:00 - 10:00 and grouped by 15-min, the response will be limited to the three completed time intervals: 09:00 - 09:15, 09:15 - 09:30, and 09:30 - 09:45.

Example Request

This example queries Traffic In & Out metrics for last week during store hours, with the response grouped by one day.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "metrics" : [ "traffic_in", "traffic_out" ], "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "relative": { "add_weeks": -1 } }, "to": { "relative": { "base": { "name": "now" }, "truncate_to": "week" } } } ], "time_ranges" : [ { "type": "store_hours" } ], "group_bys" : [ { "group": "date", "unit": "days", "value": 1 } ], "locations" : [ "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9" ], "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }

Example Response

{ "ok": true, "metrics": [ { "name": "traffic_in", "ok": true, "data": [ { "value": 173, "validity": "complete", "group": { "type": "date", "from": { "gregorian": "2021-02-21", "year": 2021, "month": 1, "day": 22 }, "through": { "gregorian": "2021-02-21", "year": 2021, "month": 1, "day": 22 } }, "index": 0 }, ... ] }, { "name": "traffic_out", "ok": true, "data": [ { "value": 174, "validity": "complete", "group": { "type": "date", "from": { "gregorian": "2021-02-21", "year": 2021, "month": 1, "day": 22 }, "through": { "gregorian": "2021-02-21", "year": 2021, "month": 1, "day": 22 } }, "index": 0 }, ... ] } ] }

More Details on Date Ranges

The date_ranges parameter determines the dates from and to, respectively, for which to datamine. It also requires the use of additional objects, being:

  • name

  • gregorian

  • absolute

  • relative.

Date range considerations:

  • The date_ranges parameter and datamine API responses respect the subscription’s Admin Settings > Calendar configuration. For example: if your query specifies an absolute date range from year:2021, week:5, day:1, and your calendar has been customized such that Saturday is the first day of the week, the response will return metrics starting from Saturday, 30 January 2021.

  • The maximum date range for queries, i.e. the difference in time between from and to, are as follows:

    • If only one store location is queried, the limit is 5 years

    • If several stores are queried, the limit is 2 years

Date Ranges options


The name key supports simple named date values, such as now and today.

Specifying a time zone in your query is required when using name within the date range parameter. Jump to Time Zones in the Occupancy section to learn more.

Example Request
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "name": "today" }, "to": { "name": "now" } } ], ... "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }


The gregorian key supports Gregorian calendar date values in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ), where “Z” implies that the time zone is UTC.

Example Request
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "gregorian": "2021-02-27T00:00:00Z" }, "to": { "gregorian": "2021-02-28T00:00:00Z" } } ], ... }


The absolute key supports various date pairs with integer values.

Example Request
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "absolute": { "year": 2021, "week": 2, "day": 4 } }, "to": { "absolute": { "year": 2021, "week": 3 } } } ], ... }
Supported Options
{ "absolute": { "year": 2017, // calendar year, required "quarter": 1, // calendar quarter, starts from 1, optional "month": 1, // calendar month, starts from 1, optional "week": 1, // calendar week, starts from 1, optional "day": 1, // calendar day, starts from 1, optional "hour": 0, // hour, starts from 0, optional "minute": 0, // minute, starts from 0, optional "second": 0 // second, starts from 0, optional } }
Date Examples
// beginning of first day of 2017 year=2017 // beginning of 150th day of 2017 year=2017,day=150 // beginning of 12th week of 2017 year=2017,week=12 // beginning of 2018 year=2017,month=13 // 45th min of 12th hour of 5th day of 2nd week of 3rd month of 2nd quarter of 2017 year=2017,quarter=2,month=3,week=2,day=5,hour=12,minute=45


The relative key supports flexible time-based strings in relation to another specified date, usually used in conjunction with other date options.

If a base date isn’t specified, any relative date specification is considered to be in relation to the opposing date range parameter, being from or to respectively. See Mixed Options below for more details.

Example Request
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "relative": { "base": { "gregorian": "2021-02-27T00:00:00Z" } } }, "to": { "relative": { "add_days": 5 } } } ], ... }
Supported Options
{ "relative": { "base": <date>, // any date option, required if "from" and "to" are both "relative" "truncate_to": <interval>, // truncate base to specified interval (year|quarter|month|week|day|hour|minute|second), optional "add_years": 1, // add specified number of years, optional "add_quarters": 1, // add specified number of quarters, optional "add_months": 1, // add specified number of months, optional "add_weeks": 1, // add specified number of weeks, optional "add_days": 1, // add specified number of days, optional "add_hours": 1, // add specified number of hours, optional "add_minutes": 1, // add specified number of minutes, optional "add_seconds": 1, // add specified number of seconds, optional } }
  • Negative values are supported in order to specify a backward-looking interval.

  • When adding months, the API maintains the same day-of-month as the starting date. If the destination month has too few days, it truncates the day of month to the final day. For example, with the Gregorian calendar, adding 1 month to "Jan 31" yields "Feb 28" (or "Feb 29" in leap year). Adding quarters is equivalent to adding 3 months, and adding years is equivalent to adding 12 months.

Mixed Options

You can use a mix of any two options in from and to date range specifications, respectively.

For regularly repeated API requests, relative date ranges are commonly used in conjunction with another option.

Example Requests
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Date range for June, 2020 plus 4 months - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "absolute": { "year": 2020, "month": 6 } }, "to": { "relative": { "add_months": 4 } } } ], ... }

Date range for last week - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "relative": { "add_weeks": -1 } }, "to": { "relative": { "base": { "name": "now" }, "truncate_to": "week" } } } ], ... "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }

Date range for current month-to-date - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges" : [ { "from": { "relative": { "base": { "name": "now" }, "truncate_to": "month" } }, "to": { "name": "now" } } ], ... "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }

Date range for the last 24 hours - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "date_ranges": [ { "from": { "relative": { "add_days": -1 } }, "to": { "relative": { "base": { "name": "now" }, "truncate_to": "minute" } } } ], "time_ranges": [ { "from": "00:00", "until": "24:00" } ], "group_bys": [ { "group": "location", "unit": "", "value": 1 }, { "group": "date", "unit": "days", "value": 1 }, { "group": "time", "unit": "hours", "value": 1 } ], ... "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }

More Details on Group Bys

The group_bys parameter determines how the data is sliced, or grouped, in the response. It supports one or more layers of the following group keys:

  • time

  • date

  • location

  • day_of_week

Each group is then further associated with a unit and value according to specification.

  • When grouping by location, name and qualified_name fields are included in API responses.

    • name is the configured location name

    • qualified_name is not configurable, and its purpose is to deduplicate a location or hierarchy object name when names are duplicated in the same subscription. If the name value is unique, the qualified_name value will repeat it.

    • Note: Store ID is not included in datamine responses. You can query locations to get the Store ID associated with a store name.

Group Bys options

Example Requests
curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Single Grouping by date - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "group_bys" : [ { "group": "date", "unit": "days", "value": 1 } ], ... }

Layered Grouping by location, then time - the request.json file contains:

{ ... "group_bys" : [ { "group": "location", "unit": "", "value": 1 }, { "group": "time", "unit": "hours", "value": 1 } ], ... }
Supported Options
"group_bys": [ { "group": "location", "unit": "", // blank value required when grouping by "location" "value": 1 // irrelevant, but accepts any positive integer }, { "group": "date", "unit": "<string>", // supports "days", "weeks", "months" and "years" "value": <integer> // any positive integer }, { "group": "time", "unit": "<string>", // supports "hours" and "minutes" "value": <integer> // any positive integer }, { "group": "day_of_week", "unit": "", // blank value required when grouping by "day_of_week" "value": 1 // irrelevant, but accepts any positive integer } ]


Query Occupancy

Returns current occupancy metrics.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine

Example Request

This example queries for the current occupancy of the store location dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v2/datamine"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "date_ranges" : [ { "from" : { "name":"today" }, "to" : { "relative" : {"add_days" : 1}} } ], "group_bys" : [ { "group" : "location", "unit" : "", "value" : 0 } ], "locations" : [ "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" ], "metrics" : [ "traffic_in", "traffic_out", "total_occupancy" ], "time_ranges" : [ {"type": "store_hours"} ], "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }

Example Response

The query results in traffic_out of 5 and traffic_in of 4, so the total_occupancy is 1. Note that the query was grouped by location, so the result includes the name of the store.

{ "metrics" : [ { "data" : [ { "group" : { "name" : "San Jose Store", "qualified_name" : "San Jose Store", "type" : "location", "uuid" : "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" }, "index" : 0, "validity" : "complete", "value" : 5 } ], "name" : "traffic_in", "ok" : true }, { "data" : [ { "group" : { "name" : "San Jose Store", "qualified_name" : "San Jose Store", "type" : "location", "uuid" : "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" }, "index" : 0, "validity" : "complete", "value" : 4 } ], "name" : "traffic_out", "ok" : true }, { "data" : [ { "group" : { "name" : "San Jose Store", "qualified_name" : "San Jose Store", "type" : "location", "uuid" : "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" }, "index" : 0, "validity" : "complete", "value" : 1 } ], "name" : "total_occupancy", "ok" : true } ], "ok" : true }

Time Zones

Current Occupancy requests use "name" date range specifications, meaning that you must provide a time zone in the query. To request metrics with timestamps that match up with that of a store’s local timezone, use the local timezone of that store in your query.

Additional time zone flexibility is provided specifically for occupancy queries. See the examples below for more information.

With Time Zone

Obtain the time zone of a location using /v2/location.

Example Request

In the example request below, dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233 is the store location.

{ "extra_fields" : [ "store.time_zone" ], "where" : { "uuids" : [ "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" ] } }
Example Response
{ "nodes" : [ [ { "archive_date" : null, "area" : null, "location_type" : "store", "name" : "San Jose Store", "parent_uuid" : "df62161a-64c8-11e6-82d4-c0008ffc38ce", "time_zone" : "America/Los_Angeles", "type" : "location", "uuid" : "dace69f6-b307-11e9-819d-0000698cf233" } ] ] }

Update Occupancy

Update occupancy by a specified adjustment value.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/occupancy/adjust




UUID of store location



Occupancy adjustment value.

Supports negative or positive values, but must be non-zero.


ISO 8601

Occupancy adjustment date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ).

If omitted, the current time in store local time zone will be used instead.

* required parameter

Occupancy updates are only accepted within store hours and when the store’s occupancy limit is defined.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/occupancy/adjust"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "store_uuid" : "813737be-9f9d-11ea-8372-000008adea78", "adjustment_time" : "2021-03-16T12:00:00+00:00", "adjustment_count" : 5 }


Query Users

Returns users and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users"

Example Response

{ "users": [ { "type": "local", "name": "RetailNext_User", "email": "retailnextuser@domain.com", "id": "2abe8330-5e0f-11ea-8522-c0009d2f3ea6", "disabled": false, "user_profile_id": "f76545a0-5e0e-11ea-8d71-c0003468dbae", "location_profile_id": "fb1fcd84-7b9c-11e7-937e-4000eba63dc2", "last_sign_in_at": "2020-03-04T12:00:28.742Z", "current_sign_in_at": "2020-03-04T12:01:06.2Z", "invitation_accepted": true, "invitation_locale": "en_US" }, ... ] }


By appending the URL, you can filter your response to only include users with a specified parameter’s value.

Filtering examples


If you have SSO enabled, you can append your query to only include local or SSO users, respectively. The example below queries for SSO users only.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users?type=SSO"


The example below queries for users with an email address that exactly matches storemanager@domain.com

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users?email=storemanager0@domain.com

Create Users

Creates an SSO user account.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users



email address

User email address



Type of user account.

Only sso value accepted.



default: <user_email>

User name



default: false

User disabled status



UUID of User Profile



UUID of Location Profile



UUID of Location. Interchangeable with location_profile_id.

See Custom Locations for details.

* required parameter

** conditionally required parameter

  • If Use SAML Attribute is selected in Admin Settings > Single Sign-on: you cannot specify the user’s permissions in RetailNext (i.e. user and/or location profile) as these are managed through the organization's Identity Provider

  • If, instead, Manage on Users page is selected in Admin Settings > Single Sign-on: you must specify the user’s permissions (i.e. user and/or location profile) when creating a new user

  • You can only create users if you have the permission: Manage users and location profiles. Similarly, you can only create or view users in RetailNext with the same or lower user and/or location profile permissions compared to yours.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -XPOST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "user": { "email": "sandra.bloch@domain.com", "type": "sso", "name": "Sandra Bloch", "disabled": false, "user_profile_id": "8b26a6c0-5027-11eb-8039-8000f92819c5", "location_profile_id": "9e701012-4c76-11e7-853d-c0001c66456e" } }

Example Response

{ "user": { "type": "sso", "name": "Sandra Bloch", "email": "sandra.bloch@domain.com", "id": "dc2e3c2e-5029-11eb-8b74-40002f864577", "disabled": false, "user_profile_id": "8b26a6c0-5027-11eb-8039-8000f92819c5", "location_profile_id": "9e701012-4c76-11e7-853d-c0001c66456e", } }

Update Users

Update the permissions of a user.

PUT https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users/<user_uuid>




UUID of User Profile



UUID of Location Profile



UUID of Location. Interchangeable with location_profile_id.

See Custom Locations for details.

Updating the user or location profile of another user requires that the requestor's user account has the same or higher permissions.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -XPUT "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users/<user_uuid>"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "user_profile_id" : "74178848-bbf4-11e8-8fcb-40000e637ca2", "location_profile_id" : "93334489-6d6a-11eb-9ec3-00000d9c1e4f" }

Example Response

{ "user": { "type": "local", "name": "RN user", "email": "rnuser@domain.com", "id": "332e3c2e-5029-11eb-8b74-40002f864572", "disabled": false, "user_profile_id": "74178848-bbf4-11e8-8fcb-40000e637ca2", "location_profile_id": "93334489-6d6a-11eb-9ec3-00000d9c1e4f", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-01-06T14:16:53.597Z", "current_sign_in_at": "2021-01-11T10:21:25.407Z", "invitation_accepted": true, "invitation_locale": "en_US" } }

Custom Locations

Update explicitly authorized locations of a user, instead of a predefined location profile.

To specify custom locations replace the key location_profile_id with location_ids, then list the UUIDs of permitted locations.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -XPUT "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/users/<user_uuid>"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "location_ids": [ "3749e26c-a7da-11e8-9eae-40007c493637", "64b13bf4-35af-11e7-9c1c-c000609b0f52" ] }

Example Response

{ "user": { "type": "local", "name": "RN user", "email": "rnuser@domain.com", "id": "332e3c2e-5029-11eb-8b74-40002f864572", "disabled": false, "user_profile_id": "64178848-bbf4-11e8-8fcb-40000e637ca1", "location_ids": [ "3749e26c-a7da-11e8-9eae-40007c493637", "64b13bf4-35af-11e7-9c1c-c000609b0f52" ], "last_sign_in_at": "2021-01-06T14:16:53.597Z", "current_sign_in_at": "2021-01-11T10:21:25.407Z", "invitation_accepted": true, "invitation_locale": "en_US" } }

User Profiles

Query User Profiles

Returns user profiles and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/user_profiles

To query a specific user profile, append the above URL with /<user_profile_uuid>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/user_profiles"

Example Response

{ "user_profiles": [ { "id": "b43dfbe6-1b4d-11e9-93fd-4000551d9e45", "name": "API Example", "enterprise_groups": [], "use_idle_timeout": false, "idle_timeout": 54000, "subscription_admin": false, "visible_dashboard_widgets": { "pages": [ "analytics", "reports", "point_of_sale" ], "data_types": [ "export_analytics_data", "guest_wifi", "individual_data", "mobile_device_detection", "pos", "pos_exception_data", "pos_individual_transactions", "pos_transactions_export", "access_reports", "staffing_data", "tracks_and_kinetic_maps", "traffic" ], "admin_tasks": [ "health_monitoring_alerts", "cameras", "pos_terminals", "security_event_sources", "store_appliances", "fpa", "pos_uploads", "sku_map_uploads", "staff_hour_uploads", "traffic_uploads", "store_hours_uploads", "goals_uploads", "currency_uploads", "deleted_items", "dwell_uploads" ], "allow_individual_activity": [ "mobile_device_detection" ] } }, ... ] }

Location Profiles

Query Location Profiles

Returns location profiles and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/location_profiles

To query a specific location profile, append the above URL with /<location_profile_uuid>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/location_profiles"

Example Response

{ "location_profiles": [ { "id": "bffb9ff6-1b4d-11e9-8b97-000006c38736", "name": "API Example", "enterprise_groups": [], "location_ids": [ "e235aee4-cf7a-11e5-973e-8000a847d47a" ] }, ... ] }

Health Monitoring

Query Health Alerts

Returns health alerts and related fields.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/healthalerts

Responses are paginated.



ISO 8601

Alerts created before a date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/healthalerts"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "start_time" : "2021-01-22T00:00:00Z" }

Example Response

{ "result": [ { "alert_creation_time": "2021-01-11T11:38:34.942-08:00", "description": "Haven't heard from Aurora sensor recently", "event_time": "2021-01-11T10:38:34-08:00", "resolved": true, "resolved_time": "2021-01-12T14:11:33.522-08:00", "severity": "resolved", "store_uuid": "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9", "store_name": "Caspar City Plaza", "subject_id": "20:C3:A4:80:09:69", "subject_name": "CCP Aurora (20:C3:A4:80:09:69)", "type": "connectiondown", "uuid": "97fd95e0-5444-11eb-8b83-40003ca6d233", "obsolete": false }, ... ] }

Response Fields

All Health Monitoring API response fields are a subset of the same fields provided by Automated Systems notification emails. Visit Health Monitoring Emails > Notification to Automated Systems for a list of field descriptions.

File Upload Status

Returns status of uploaded files. See https://retailnext.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/1500839941/File+Uploads#API for more details.

Predicted Traffic

Request Limits

Concurrent predicted traffic requests are limited to 3 per customer subscription.

Query Predicted Traffic

Returns predicted traffic metrics within specified parameters.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/predictedtraffic




UUID of store location.

Supports one entry per query.



First day in yyyy-mm-dd.

Must be in the future.



Last day in yyyy-mm-dd.

Must be in the future.

* required parameter

  • Responses are grouped into 15-minute intervals. This cannot be configured.

  • In one query, up to 7 days can be requested.  For additional days, use multiple requests.

  • Predicted traffic is available for the upcoming month, up to 31 days.  Queries exceeding this range will return an error.

  • Sufficient historical data is required for predictions

  • See Traffic Prediction to learn more about the traffic prediction model

  • Predicted Traffic API supports 3 concurrent requests per subscription. Requests exceeding this limit will receive error HTTP 429.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/predictedtraffic"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "store_uuid" : "aec5c886-9e2c-11e5-9bb7-0e5ba9bee1b9", "first_day" : "2021-03-17", "last_day" : "2021-03-23" }

Example Response

{ "ok": true, "error": "", "predictions": [ { "time": "2021-03-17T09:00:00Z", "value": 10 }, { "time": "2021-03-17T09:15:00Z", "value": 10 }, ... { "time": "2021-03-23T20:45:00Z", "value": 3 } ] }

Zone Transitions

Query Zone Transitions

Returns FPA zone transition metrics within specified parameters.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/zone_transitions




UUID of location



"start" and "finish" paired with respective date values in yyyy-mm-dd



default: all

"all", "employee" and "customer"



default: direct_only

"direct_only", "direct_and_indirect" and "directionless"



default: dwells_only

"dwells_only", "non_dwells" and "all_traffic"



default: store_hours

"start" and "finish" paired with respective time values in hh:mm, or, "type": "store_hours"



default: all days of week

"monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday" and "sunday"

* required parameter

Example Request

This example queries Traffic In & Out metrics for last week during store hours, with the response grouped by one day.

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/zone_transitions"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "locations" : [ "cdf7322e-3329-11ea-8e45-80003c755d3e", "f1cc33f2-3329-11ea-9b32-80001a18e60d" ], "date_ranges" : [ { "start": "2021-02-15", "finish": "2021-02-22" } ], "metrics" : [ "customer" ], "transitions" : "direct_and_indirect", "dwells" : "all_traffic", "time_ranges" : [ { "start": "10:30", "finish": "13:00" } ], "days_of_week" : [ "friday", "saturday" ] }

Example Response

{ "metrics": [ { "name": "customer", "data": [ { "floorplan": { "uuid": "e0acd09e-2e7a-11ea-8b1a-40002569de69", "name": "Garden Station Floorplan", "store_uuid": "af1fd977-9e2c-11e5-9bbe-0e5ba9bee1b9", "store_name": "Garden Station" }, "zones": [ { "uuid": "a1ec24c6-2e7b-11ea-960c-8000bec20274", "name": "Entrance", "location_uuid": "f1cc33f2-3329-11ea-9b32-80001a18e60d", "location_name": "Entrance Zone" }, { "uuid": "a34979f4-2e7b-11ea-8dfd-c000826898db", "name": "Denim", "location_uuid": "cdf7322e-3329-11ea-8e45-80003c755d3e", "location_name": "Denim Zone" } ], "transitions": [ { "from_zone_id": "a1ec24c6-2e7b-11ea-960c-8000bec20274", "to_zone_id": "a1ec24c6-2e7b-11ea-960c-8000bec20274", "value": 170, "percentage": 54 }, { "from_zone_id": "a1ec24c6-2e7b-11ea-960c-8000bec20274", "to_zone_id": "a34979f4-2e7b-11ea-8dfd-c000826898db", "value": 147, "percentage": 46 }, { "from_zone_id": "a34979f4-2e7b-11ea-8dfd-c000826898db", "to_zone_id": "a1ec24c6-2e7b-11ea-960c-8000bec20274", "value": 42, "percentage": 69 }, { "from_zone_id": "a34979f4-2e7b-11ea-8dfd-c000826898db", "to_zone_id": "a34979f4-2e7b-11ea-8dfd-c000826898db", "value": 19, "percentage": 31 } ] } ] } ] }

FPA Zones

Query FPA Zones

Returns FPA floorplans and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/fpafloorplans

The example queries all FPA floorplans within a subscription.

  • To query all floorplans within a specific store, use https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/stores/<store_uuid>/fpafloorplans

  • To query a specific floorplan, use https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/fpafloorplans/<floorplan_uuid>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/fpafloorplans"

Example Response

[ { "id": "7ce0f10c-508f-11eb-9c50-000048e74782", "name": "API Store Floorplan", "store_id": "aec3dc7e-9e2c-11e5-9bb4-0e5ba9bee1b9", "store_name": "API Store", "zones": [ { "id": "f64b51ac-546f-11eb-9441-8000514932de", "name": "Table 1", "type": "fpa", "location_id": "24f99a38-5478-11eb-98ec-40002ded88bc", "location_name": "FPA Zones", "area": 46907.55844251474, "dwell_time_threshold_ms": 10, "zone_threshold_mm": 1000, "points": [ { "x": 1751.2620277487956, "y": 384.9399262748038 }, { "x": 1918.1988757176557, "y": 383.3687429022536 }, { "x": 1915.0491238691866, "y": 664.610566588743 }, { "x": 1746.5373999760916, "y": 663.0393832161927 }, { "x": 1751.2620277487956, "y": 384.9399262748038 } ] }, ... ] } ]

Response Fields


Sample Values



Sample Values




UUID of floorplan or zone


API Store Floorplan

Name of floorplan or zone



UUID of store location


API Store

Name of store


fpa / staff / mask

Type of zone. Kinetic Map Masks are excluded.



UUID of a zone’s parent location


Table 1

Name of a zone’s parent location



Size of the zone location in square centimeters



Minimum amount of time a shopper must linger in a zone before registering a dwell event, defined in milliseconds



Size of the zone’s configurable buffer area for track detection and metrics collection, defined in millimeters



X coordinate of a point of the zone relative to the overall floor plan, defined in centimeters



Y coordinate of a point of the zone relative to the overall floor plan, defined in centimeters


Pagination - Inventory API queries use unique X-Page string values, rather than an integer as described for other v1 API methods.

Request Limits

Concurrent camera requests are limited to 3 per customer subscription.

Query Cameras

Returns camera hardware and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/cameras

To query cameras in a specific store, use store_uuid parameter with store location unique id, by appending the above URL with ?store_uuid=<store_location_uuid>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/cameras"

Example Response

{ "ok": true, "next_page": "CAC:13:37:D0:86:77", "cameras": [ { "type": 1, "device_id": "20:C3:13:0F:1D:2A", "device_name": "Aisle Camera", "store_uuid": "a434a682-30a0-11ea-896a-00005f259c6e", "appliance_id": "", "vendor": "RetailNext", "model": "Aurora", "private_ip": "", "public_ip": "", "last_heard": "2020-01-14T22:30:18.363Z", "serial_number": "", "network_configuration": { "mode": 0, "ip": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "ntp": "" }, "video_channel_uuids": [ "d86d75e2-3338-11ea-95e3-000071946766" ], "video_channel_count": 1, "configuration_summary": {}, "analytics": { "traffic_line_count": 1, "dwell_zone_count": 0, "direction_line_configured": false }, "height": 3860 }, ... ] }

Response Fields


Sample Values



Sample Values


analytics: direction_line_configured

true / false

True if a direction line is configured on the device

analytics: dwell_zone_count

0, 1, 2, ...

Number of dwell zones configured on the device

analytics: traffic_line_count

0, 1, 2, ...

Number of traffic lines configured on the device



UUID of appliance to which the device is connected

configuration_summary: device_name


Name of device (Brickstream sensors only)

configuration_summary: sensor_group

Brooklyn, NY

Name of device location (Xovis sensors only)

configuration_summary: sensor_name


Name of device (Xovis sensors only)

configuration_summary: site_name

Brooklyn, NY

Name of device location (Brickstream sensors only)



MAC address of the device


Back Entrance

Name of device



Configured height of device, defined in millimeters (Aurora only)



Timestamp of the last communication from the device to the RetailNext cloud service



Model of device

network_configuration: dns

Local static configuration of device DNS

network_configuration: gateway

Local static configuration of device Gateway

network_configuration: ip

Local static configuration of device IP address

network_configuration: mode

0, 1

Local network configuration of device, DHCP (0) or Static (1)

network_configuration: ntp


Local static configuration of device NTP


Local Area Network IP address of device


Public IP address of device



Serial number of Xovis or Brickstream device



UUID of store location to which the device is assigned


0, 1, 2

Device type: (0) Monocular camera, (1) Aurora, (2) Xovis, Brickstream


RetailNext, Xovis, Brickstream, Axis

Device Vendor


0, 1, 2, ...

Number of video channels configured for device



UUID of video channels configured for device

Cameras Inventory API supports 3 concurrent requests per subscription. Requests exceeding this limit will receive error HTTP 429.

Query Channels

Returns video channels and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/channels

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/channels"

Example Response

{ "ok": true, "next_page": "end", "channels": [ { "channel_uuid": "9290bc70-3480-11ea-81c9-c000c7e8079e", "name": "Registration Desk", "device_id": "92710a06-3480-11ea-9877-40003d3dd9a9", "resolution": "1280x960", "frame_rate": 10, "record_on_motion": true, "minimum_retention_days": 0, "maximun_retention_days": 0, "blur_video": false, "recording_enabled": true, "snapshot_enabled": true, "snapshot_interval_secs": 300, "snapshot_resolution": "1400x1050" }, ... ] }

Response Fields


Sample Values



Sample Values



true / false

True if video blurring is enabled on the device



UUID of the video channel



UUID of device producing the video channel



Video recording quality setting for frames per second (fps)


Registration Desk

Configured name of video channel


true / false

True if recording is enabled for the video channel


true / false

True if recording on motion is enabled for the video channel



Video recording quality setting for resolution


true / false

True if high resolution snapshots are enabled for the video channel



Configured time interval between snapshots, defined in seconds



Snapshot quality setting for resolution

Query Appliances

Returns appliance hardware and related fields.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/appliances

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/inventory/appliances"

Example Response

{ "ok": true, "next_page": "end", "store_appliances": [ { "appliance_id": "323231f8-6afg-11eb-8684-4000fc072082", "store_uuid": "af21ffd8-9e2c-11e5-9bc9-0e5ba9bee1b9", "mac_address": "00:0D:29:60:FB:CB", "private_ip": "", "network_configuration": { "mode": 0, "ip": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "ntp": "" }, "public_ip": "" }, ... ] }

Response Fields


Sample Values



Sample Values




UUID of appliance



MAC address of appliance

network_configuration: dns

Local static configuration of appliance DNS

network_configuration: gateway

Local static configuration of appliance Gateway

network_configuration: ip

Local static configuration of appliance IP address

network_configuration: mode

0, 1

Local network configuration of appliance, DHCP (0) and Static (1)

network_configuration: ntp


Local static configuration of appliance NTP


Local Area Network IP address of appliance


Public IP address of appliance



UUID of store location to which the appliance is assigned

Video Export

Start Export

Starts a video export within specified parameters.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/video/export/start




UUID of video channel

Provide multiple channel parameters to include up to 16 total video channels from the same store appliance.

When multiple channels are specified, you may also provide a resolution parameter to determine the resolution of the video.

The default resolution is 1024x768.


ISO 8601

Export start date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)


ISO 8601

Export end date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)



default: 0

0, 1; where 1 enables analytics overlays (tracks, traffic lines, zones and other analytic shapes)



default: 0

0, 1; where 1 enables information overlays (video channel name and date/time)



default: 0

0, 1; where 1 enables raw video.

Raw video exports are only necessary for troubleshooting, as they are much larger and may not work with some software.

* required parameter

Successful video export requests return a location header in the format of /v1/video/export/task/<export_id> that can be used to subsequently download the video clip or to query its export status, as described in the next section.

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XPOST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/video/export/start?\ start=2021-03-17T13:00:00Z&end=2021-03-17T13:05:08Z\ &channel=f2b81aa0-8c90-11eb-9d08-c00017306bd8\ &analytics_overlay=1&raw=0&info_overlay=1"

Example Response

HTTP/2 201 content-type: application/json location: /v1/video/export/task/3ba9d435-8c91-11eb-9c23-0000d53335d2 ... < {"ok":true}

Query Export Status and Download

Returns the current status of a video export and, if ready, the download link.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/video/export/task/<export_id>

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/video/export/task/3ba9d435-8c91-11eb-9c23-0000d53335d2"

Example Response

HTTP/2 201 content-type: application/json location: /v1/video/export/task/3ba9d435-8c91-11eb-9c23-0000d53335d2 ... < {"ok":true}
  • The export status is detailed in the HTTP response code as follows.

    • 202 Accepted - export is in progress

    • 302 Found - export is ready. Download the file by using the provided location header URL.

    • 404 Expired - export has expired

    • 424 Failed - export has failed. The response includes the reason for failure.

  • Exports can be deleted by using HTTP DELETE, for example
    -XDELETE "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/video/export/task/<export_id>"

    • By default, exports are deleted after 7 days

Video Stream

Generate Token

Returns a token to stream a video channel over HLS.

POST https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/hlsapitoken




UUID of location.

The generated token provides access to video channels within the specified location.

* required parameter

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -H "Accept: application/json" -d "@request.json" \ -POST "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/hlsapitoken"

Where the request.json file contains:

{ "location_uuid" : "22940210-f49b-11e6-944b-c0001cd78189" }

Example Response

{ "token": "9wTw-pk1VLsEGzmzaH9vOL-a6RU" }
  • See this example for step-by-step instructions to fetch parent location UUIDs (for token generation) and video channel UUIDs (for streaming) using location API queries

  • Tokens expire after 24 hours

Stream Video

Using a generated token value, create an HLS M3U8 playlist to stream a video channel in the URL format below.


The URL can be opened through various video applications, such as QuickTime or VLC.

You can also stream video via most supported browsers and other web-based applications by opening an HTML file that includes the same URL above. Below are HTML examples for different browser types.

HTML example for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset=utf-8/> <link href="https://unpkg.com/video.js/dist/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://unpkg.com/video.js/dist/video.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/videojs-contrib-hls/dist/videojs-contrib-hls.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='player'> <video id="my_video_1" class="video-js vjs-fluid vjs-default-skin" width="352" height="198" controls preload="auto" data-setup='{}'> <source src="https://[subscription].retailnext.net/v1/hls/[video_channel_uuid].m3u8?token=[token_value]" type="application/x-mpegURL"> </video> </div> <script> var player = videojs('my_video_1'); player.play(); </script> </body> </html>

HTML example for Safari

<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset=utf-8/> </head> <body> <div id='player'> <video width="352" height="198" controls> <source src="https://[subscription].api.retailnext.net/v1/hls/[video_channel_uuid].m3u8?token=[token_value]" type="application/x-mpegURL"> </video> </div> <script> var player = videojs('my_video_1'); player.play(); </script> </body> </html>

Custom Exports

List Files

Returns a list of files available for download.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/downloads/list



A directory to search the files in.

Available prefixes are: custom_exports

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/downloads/list?prefix=custom_exports"

Example Response

{ { "files": [ "custom_exports/inventory_reports/05944972-c87a-11ed-8c56-8000cc4953f8.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/0f3d98f2-c87a-11ed-881d-00002a6c38b8.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/1192b1f0-c87a-11ed-981f-8000f32a2173.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/a75ae7e6-c881-11ed-8abf-8000de483b7d.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/ae16b536-c86a-11ed-887c-0000385b4561.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/b0cbaab8-c877-11ed-883f-c000a60cf1fb.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/bf6b39f8-c877-11ed-84fa-c000a5796d57.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/c5309b90-c867-11ed-8e58-00008aaf3e1d.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/f9f37dfa-c878-11ed-8a55-4000f24c4b9b.csv", "custom_exports/inventory_reports/ffb34f5e-c878-11ed-8dbd-80001a064ed1.csv" ] } }

Download File

Downloads a file available in the associated destination.

GET https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/downloads/download



The path to the file requested for download.

* required parameter

Example Request

curl -viL --basic --user <AccessKey>:<SecretKey> \ -XGET "https://<subscription>.api.retailnext.net/v1/downloads/download?file=custom_exports/inventory_reports/05944972-c87a-11ed-8c56-8000cc4953f8.csv"

Example Response

[file content]
  • Custom exports are only available for subscriptions upon request.

  • To access custom exports, the associated setting in Admin > Advanced Settings must be enabled.

  • The token used for accessing the API must have the associated user profile permission: “Access custom exports via API and SFTP” and the location profile: “All locations” for authorization.


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