Aurora Status Indicator Light

Aurora has a status indicator LED on the side of the device. This LED will blink in specific patterns to indicate the current operational status of the device.

Common LED patterns

The table below describes the common LED blink patterns, what each pattern indicates, and what troubleshooting steps to take when you see a pattern that indicates a problem.

For more detailed troubleshooting instructions, please refer to the guide Level 1 Troubleshooting of Sensors.

LED blink pattern

Meaning of pattern

Troubleshooting step

LED blink pattern

Meaning of pattern

Troubleshooting step

Green, once every 30 seconds

(G, ......, G, ......)

Operating normally.

Aurora is collecting data and successfully communicating with the RetailNext Cloud.


Blue, then Green

(B, G, ..., B, G, ...)

Aurora failed to acquire an IP address or the DNS server address.

Check store DHCP and DNS servers. 

Also verify that there are no wiring problems, like a faulty cable or RJ-45 termination. 

Blue, then Green twice

(B, G, G, ..., B, G, G, ...)

Aurora has an invalid security certificate.

This is an irrecoverable error. Please RMA the Aurora.

Blue, then Green thrice

(B, G, G, G, ..., B, G, G, G, ...)

Aurora failed to connect to the RetailNext Cloud.

Check store internet connection and firewall.

Other LED patterns

An operational Aurora will usually display one of the LED patterns from the table above. Occasionally, you may see other LED patterns while an Aurora is booting up, upgrading its firmware, etc. These patterns are documented below.

LED blink pattern

Meaning of pattern

LED blink pattern

Meaning of pattern

Green, single long blink

Aurora is powered on.

The LED will blink Green once when Aurora first receives PoE power.

Green, once a second

(G, ..., G, ...)

Aurora is booting up.

This pattern is displayed when Aurora is attempting to acquire an IP address and connect to the RetailNext Cloud.

If either of these steps fails, a failure pattern will be displayed as documented in the table above.

Blue, once a second

(B, ..., B, ...)

Aurora is upgrading its firmware.

This pattern is displayed when Aurora is attempting to upgrade its firmware.

Blue, single long blink

Aurora failed firmware upgrade.

This pattern is displayed when Aurora attempted but failed to upgrade its firmware. It will automatically revert to the previous good firmware.

Solid Green (not blinking)

Aurora has encountered an irrecoverable error. Please RMA the device.